Mark Landsman, MMTCP Mindfulness Teacher & Coach

Mark Landsman is an MMTCP Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher under the guidance of Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach, the Awareness Training Institute, and UC Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center.  Mark brings over 25 years of experience in mindfulness meditation and somatic-based trainings that include tai chi, qi gong, aikido, hatha yoga, Alexander Technique, and Body Mind Centering.  He has brought mindfulness trainings and consultations to such clients as Public Counsel, the nation’s largest provider of pro-bono legal services; award-winning productions companies such as Brave New Films; and the How We Feel project, in conjunction with Pinterest and Yale University’s Center for Emotional Intelligence.

Mark is an Emmy-nominated film and television producer and director whose work has been featured on CNN, HBO Max, Showtime, Sundance Channel, MTV, ABC, and PBS. He earned an MFA in Film Direction from the American Film Institute and a B.A. from the University of Michigan.

“Being happy at work is possible for all of us, anytime and anywhere, with open eyes and a caring heart. We need only to take the first step.”

— Sharon Salzberg